Yuriy Bilyk
Yuriy will share an awesome real-life case about hacking a petrol station.

Pavlo Hlushchenko
One of the first lines of defense we have against the plague of security and privacy problems resides within our browsers.
Pavlo with his topic "David vs Goliath. Hardening your Browser for Privacy" will show how to stay private and security using modern browsers
Pavlo with his topic "David vs Goliath. Hardening your Browser for Privacy" will show how to stay private and security using modern browsers
Volodymyr Styran
He is well known security expert in Ukraine, who teaches people to "don't click shit" (c)
This is going to be a soft talk. Based on his experience in infosec and practical knowledge of psychology, Vlad will summarize a few important tricks that might improve your career and secure professional growth in the cyber security industry.

Volodymyra Kulish
This cute girl will share us really technical topic about Deserialization or how one small object can break all your security

Igor Beliaiev
Igor will talk about latest biggest hacks and security threats, and about Human Security Interaction. Get ready to hear real-life stories about reasons why human factor is so important in security nowadays.

Ihor Bliumental
One of TOP Ukrainian bounty hunters gonna share his experience about WebSocket security. Don't miss it!

Volodymyr Kimak
Are you interested how to make android app more secure against common threats? He is the one who might help ;) Check out his speech "Security Tips for Android App"
Nazar is CyberSecurity Professional, CEO UnderDefense LLC, Ph.D. in Information Security, OWASP Lviv Chapter Leader. Security Researcher, Team lead for bright and smart geeks.
Nazar gonna share his great experience in Web attacks detecting.
Nazar gonna share his great experience in Web attacks detecting.
Great event. Where can I view materials from OWASP UA 2017?
ВідповістиВидалитиSorry for long reply. You can find materials on Facebook page of the event in agenda list: https://www.facebook.com/events/914991308665427/